Wednesday, August 8, 2012


A friend of mine posted on her FB page her desire to listen to IndiaAire and I believe her post was the motivation behind this blog entry... India Aire wrote a song that has a tag/vamp: "Go with the FLOW"

There is something to be said for the individual who learns how to work smarter and not harder.  Sometimes, we try absolutely too hard to make things happen for us.  From relationships to careers, every component of our life has its' own rhythm and flow.  Toward the end of last year, I began to meditate on the word rhythm and cadence.  Life has a rhythm, it is filled with ebbs and flows, ups and downs, hills, peaks and valleys.  Many times we try to force things that are not designed to work for us.  There are some relationships, some people who were never designed to be in our inner circle, they were never purposed to "get" us...  There are some career opportunities that are not a perfect fit...some situations that would result in more harm than good.  You can't fit a square peg in round hole but many times we try under the guise of "making it work".  ATTENTION PLEASE..."making it work" doesn't always work!  I submit to you as I have come to know, life is full of adventure some good and is comprised of making good decisions and well as is filled with rejection and acceptance.  However, at the end of the day what's destined for you will happen...what's destined for me will happen.  So, relax, no need to compare yourself to need to be anxious, jealous or in a frenzy...  All things will work out according to God's purpose and design for your life.  Here's the other thing: everybody has a different rhythm and flow.  Times and seasons bring about different things and learning how to submit to the cadence of life is our responsibility.  If you listen to the drum beat of life, it will guide you to your next will be your lead-in and safely secure you.  However, being tuned in comes from being connected to a Source much bigger, much greater than you...God the Father.  He is the ultimate conductor and each musical section is under His orchestration.  If we can trust Him and understand He has our best interest in mind, we would truly prosper and succeed.  As much as I would like to think I have the final say, I really don't.  My responsibility to go with the flow...  To flow suggests relaxing and lending yourself to vulnerability...the struggle is over when you yield to the flow...  Once we submit to the flow, things will naturally fall into sync... The Harmony of life will come as we flow...


Trust the process because the Creator knows the end from the beginning.  For my single ladies... if you desire marriage...just and believe it will happen.  If you desire to succeed in your what you know to do BUT after that REST and trust the FLOW!  Whatever your desire is...God knows it, the UNIVERSE is aware of it...however, trust the God the Father to work it out and JUST GO WITH THE FLOW as India Aire so eloquently coined the phase.

Lending My Voice,

Lady J