It's a good time to be alive! Today, I woke up pondering all of the blessings God has bestowed upon my life and I am grateful. Many doors are opening while simultaneously many are shutting. However, I am convinces this is a GREAT time to be alive. The last few days I have been inudated with many projects and new opportunities; much to my amazement things are faring well! Despite my tendency to be a perfectionist, I am learning to ENJOY this process...
The other day I mentioned to a friend of mine that as I approach 40 (yes, I will be forty years old next year), my perspective on life is shifting. As a younger person, I remember living to please others, needing their validation/approval. Now, I am at a point in my life, where the opinions of others do not mean as much. I'm learning how to be comfortable in my skin, after all life is short and the end of the day, I want to be proud of the life I chose live. So, the other day while I was shopping at Columbia Mall (I was reviewing music in my head from the Wiz) and it HIT me. It's like the light bulb came on! I began to reflect on the lyrics of the song: "Com'on ease on down, ease on down the road...don't you carry NOTHING that might be a load." FREEDOM!!! It was in that moment, I purposed to ease on down the more struggling, no more contention but I would force myself to do things in ease - freedom from labor or pain! No MORE DIS-EASE! There is a road with my name on it, with your name on it and it is a path purposed for you. Despite whatever obstacles or obstructions you are facing, you can ease on down the road dumping everything that will hinder you! Who would have thought that the lyrics of a song from a musical could offer so much life?? Join me why don't you....EASE ON DOWN THE ROAD!!
Lending my voice,
Lady J