Hey everyone!
I know it's been awhile since I blogged but I didn't have anything to say worth writing and why waste your time reading? You know?
Well, I'm back and I have a lot to share. I've had many experiences and I hope my story helps you in some way! Change is the only constant in MY life! Life is constantly throwing me curves balls, interesting twists and turns. Yet, I'm learning how to master and catch the curve ball. Who said curve balls can't be caught?!?!
Since my last post, much in my life has changed immensely! My life is not what it was 5 months ago. Many areas of my life have changed - from my career, to personal relationships to leadership responsbilities and etc.
I am getting ready to hit the road again contrary to what I originally thought. YAY!!! As of last Friday, I will be doing Menopause the Musical LIVE Concert Tour! I'm pretty excited but also nervous as this is my FIRST city to city, state to state tour. I will be touring in CA, MT, WA and ID. Rehearsals is 10 days long and will begin THIS Friday in sunny Orlando, Florida! Can't wait!! It's going to be alot of work but I'm ready!! This opportunity literally FAIL into my lap! I will be touring October 31 - December 18th and it's NICE pay! The ole saying is TRUE: What God has for YOU, it is explicitly for YOU and NO ONE can hamper or hinder HIS intentions for YOU! You would NOT believe the favor God extended to me! I will say this - it pays to have a great working relationship, solid reputation and a strong work ethic. You never know who God may use someone else to bless you and usher you into a greater realm.
Now, if you recall, one of the main reasons I returned home was to handle debt and to recover financially. Well, I'm glad to report that I have successfully PAID OFF three bills!!! Hallelujah, nothing better than eliminating debt from over your head. I have several more I'm working towards and I'm sure it will be handled by the end of this year, no later than Jan 2012. I've been taking care of business...enrolled in school again AND I met a wonderful man! Can't say anymore about that at this time! TOP SECRET! :-)
Another reason, it was necessary for me to return to MD was due to my assignment at my church. I love my church and my church family! My connection to this great assembly has revolutionized my life! I've been appointed to a new leadership position to serve in an area of ministry which I am passionate about and perhaps will be able to make a difference - a great impact! Promotion really does comes from God!!! I know I have my work cut out for me but God will reward those who are committed. He will release the energy, werewithal, and ability to get it done in excellence!!
And there's MORE... I had an opportunity several weeks ago to talk with 6th and 7th graders at Loch Raven Academy about my life as an artist. Thanks Ann Prissi!! :-) I also sang songs from popular musicals. My life WAS NOT the same after that experience - the youth were in awe and I was in awe of them!!! It went SO well that I've been invited back to speak to a larger crowd of students. I'm VERY excited about this assignment as well. There is nothing more rewarding than changing the life of a young person!!
So, this time or season in my life is one that will require complete focus, commitment, dedication and loyalty FIRST to God and then to others. Additionally, life is teaching me not to seek the approval of others'. While this tour is a dream of a lifetime for me, there are some who are not in agreement and feel as though I have betrayed them. However, for once in my life, I am pursuing my passion and I'm doing it without any apology. Steve Jobs said it best and no, he wasn't my best friend or homie but he said some pretty powerful things. How about this one for size? Steve Jobs said: "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma." WOW!! The entire quote is powerful but these statements REACHED out to me and began to SPEAK! I am the responsible party for my life - at the end of the day, God will hold me accountable for what I've done with what HE gave me. In my heart, I struggle with validation like anyone else BUT I learning to embrace the fact the HE accepts me and loves me as I am. At the end of the day, people's opinion of you will change with the wind. So, why depend upon it for personal validation?
What about the job?? Well, I will be doing my passion full time again for now and this time I am hoping for better opportunities/great connections! I have NO regrets, I'm moving forward - no looking back!
As you experience changes in your life GO WITH THE FLOW!! Going with the flow will create an undeniable flow of peace that leads to success and wellness! Yield to the flow and LIVE your best life NOW! Stop waiting on man to approve and seek the ONE who created you! He knows EVERYTHING there is to know about you and He will grant you success as you trust Him with your life!
Until next time!
Lending my voice,
Lady J
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